Frequently Asked Questions.
What Vaccinations are required?
Well Groomed Pets requires all dogs to have current vaccinations (Rabies, Bordetella, Parvo (if under 6 months old)).
Why Does Well Groomed require current vaccinations and other Grooming Salons don’t?
Well Groomed is a Wellness-first grooming salon. By requiring every pet to have current vaccinations we are able to ensure the wellness and health of your dog during their stay at our Salon.
What type of products does Well Groomed use?
Well Groomed uses showcase products that are custom to your dog’s breed and needs. Well Groomed has formed a partnership with HYDRA Pet Society and has a wellness council that meets constantly to discuss better products and better skin care routine to make your fury friends coat looking more luscious than ever.
What is the Wellness Evaluations that is administered to my fury friend?
Well Groomed uses Artificial Intelligence as well as lump mapping to evaluation over 62 different aspects of your fury friend to ensure they are well and happy! We are not a veterinarian clinic, and the eval should not replace consistent visit to your fury friends’ vet but rather instead is meant to give a snapshot of your dog’s wellness.
How long will the Dog Grooming take?
Many factors will play into the length of time required on your fury family member such as condition of coat, length of coat and dogs’ behavior. On average our fury friends are in our grooming salon for 2.5 hours. Now, smaller fury friends can take shorter time and larger pets can take 3-4 hours.
How often should I get my Dog Groomed?
This is very dependent upon the breed, activities and overall wellness of your dog. We highly recommend getting your fury friend on a routine grooming schedule. Just like you, you would not go all year without washing your hair or brushing it out. On average we recommend having your fury friend come in once every 6-8 weeks. We highly recommend Poodle and Doodle owners come in at least once every 3-4 weeks as these breeds of dogs are notorious for matting.